Women's Studies and Franco-American Studies Course

This coure will be offered in the Fall semester!



Women's Experiences

This course will examine the immigration experience and subsequent lifestyles of the present-day Franco-American woman and her cultural ancestors.  Following their immigration from France to New France, Canada, and across the border into the United States, through reading of literature and discussion, the class participants will become informed of the historical and cultural implications for the women immigrants and the definition they imparted to the culture through their contributions from the 1600s to the present. These women braved the new worlds of the wilderness, farmlands and the industrial settings to help establish the French culture as we know it today on the North American continent.  In addition, to the readings, this course will use film, slide presentations, guests lecturers, and music to examine the artifacts, crafts, rituals, folklore and more of the daily lives of the women following their ocean and border crossing as the route to discovering the meaning of their lives.

This course will be offered 
as an internet web course. 

The web course format means that anyone 
with access to the internet can take this course. 
No matter where you are located.
For more information, please 
contact the following web sites:
UMaine Continuing and Distance Education
"Search for courses"
University of Maine Student Information
For the cross listing of this course either as a
Franco-American Studies Course (FAS 230) 
or as a Women's Studies Course (WST 235).

About the Instructor

About the Course

Other courses which Côté Robbins is teaching

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To raise awareness of the Franco-American women's contributions 
the Franco-American women's course syllabus is listed on:

Syllabi on the Web for Women- and Gender-Related Courses
under "History" at
Women's Studies: UMBC and Beyond 
University of Maryland Baltimore County